Technology (TECH)

Focuses on the use of digital tools, resources, and technologies for the advancement of student learning, development, and success as well as the improved performance of student affairs professionals. Included within this area are knowledge, skills, and dispositions that lead to the generation of digital literacy and digital citizenship within communities of students, student affairs professionals, faculty members, and colleges and universities as a whole.

Initial Reflection

Through this class I should be able to engage in systematic practices aimed at ensuring students and professionals across all demographics have access to technological resources and are educated in their intelligent use and implementation for solving problems and enhancing learning. I should also be able to provide leadership for the seamless integration of social media and other digital communications with broader educational, customer service, marketing, and community engagement efforts that communicate and develop dialogue and community around shared common institutional values. Also, after this class I should be able to provide training and instruction for the use, adoption, and evaluation of digital strategies for enhancing educational interventions with multimedia, interactive tools, and creativity- enhancing technologies by students, colleagues, and other educational stakeholders. 


Technology is something I use each and everyday in my current role as a graduate assistant for Campus Activities. Technology comes with a wide range of knowledge but also comes with its own challenges. One of the biggest challenges with technology is the technical issues each program we use can have but also gaining access for new employees. Keeping this in mind I make a point to know who to contact and directly contact that administrators of the different programs we use and reach out to them whenever we are having issues. This typically seems to work best instead of trying to sort it out on myself. In my assistantship, understanding copyright and trademark laws are an important part of my role. This is because we show many movies and when putting a movie poster on publicity we should not be covering up the poster. Also when playing music it needs to have adds and of public usage to play at events. This is important to know and understand but also educate the students on and how to utilize specific technologies. 

  CAB hosts a multitude of events throughout the semester and the main way the promote their events. This requires understanding of how to use different platforms for publicity such as Facebook and Instagram. I want to grow in this area little more. Specifically working on universal design and helping my students understand how to be more inclusive to those who see and come to our events. 

For my artifacts I am using some publicity posters I made or help develop for different events on campus
